Logic Pieces
Logic Pieces is a collection of performance pieces. They are kind of games or plays where the artists reconstrucs pieces according to set of rules. At the moment two parts have been performer: “ettette” and “jollainen”. “ettette” is a study on negation. Based on the rehearsal plan the performers make a piece of art that […]
Le Martyre de Saint Sébastian
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Previous Next Music of Kaksinen is based in the movement of Pendulum, wandering between two worlds and counting the moments of our lives. Finnish word “kaksinen” could be translated literally as something that has two sides or parts, but if a thing isn’t “kaksinen”, it really wasn’t well done. I wanted to compose something virtuosic […]
6 for piano
Previous Next 6 is virtuoso piece for a piano performer. The performance goes trought different aspects of sex and sexuality: Biology Choreography, Communication, Flirt, Rhyth and Taboos. The part communication is itself divided into Bukowski, d’O, Justine, Madame, Persona and Simone. The Musical material is fixed, but many other aspect, such as the order of […]
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