Songs my grandfather could have sung to me
Songs that could have been in different versions, as Miika remembers them
"Mytomato is a brilliant piece, dancing away on the borders of parody and multi-layered commentary – musical and extra-musical – all woven together with witty irony and creative craziness."
"Die grafische Notationstechnik Soune, an der der Komponist seit Jahren arbeitet, transzendiert durch ihre visuelle Komponenete die Grenzen traditioneller Notation und bietet Raum für humorvolle, tiefgründige und gleichzeitig körperliche Erlebnisse auf der Bühne. "
"Intellectually stimulating and teasingly funny art of our time."
"A peculiar, yet ever-so-wonderful mixture of absurd comedy and versatile virtuosity, gorgeously performed by Heikkilä and Kozlovski"
"This three-hour, precisely timed sound structure is a confusing, constantly moving deconstruction of language, voice and sound. […] The bizarre fascination that the spectacle has created will not get out of your head so quickly."
"Voice Box was full of tongue in cheek [...] that allowed the audience to fully join in."
"The avant-garde business trip to the green creates a situational border experience with a feel-good program."
"The audience […] experiences an masterfull musical performance, which is then deconstructed in an irritating sequence of events at different locations in a deliberately bizarre manner."
"Delightful and playful experimental opera from young Finnish composer"
"Genuinely avantgardistic German music theatre."
In this opera the audience takes a 3-hour-tour to the “NOS”, a company that gives you safety by analysing your voice.
Königliche Membranwerke – Nomictic Solutions (NOS) presents an innovative audio-sensitive monitoring system by the name of “Nomictic Solutions.” The automated voice analysis identifies micro-scarring on vocal cords and evaluates them.
Lake Starnberg provides a seemingly idyllic environment and is marked by numerous private properties. There the experts from NOS lead the audience as potential customers into the depths of vocal identity constructions.
A site-specific music theater work with investment potential!
Composition_ Miika Hyytiäinen and Nicolas Kuhn
Video design and text_ Babylonia Constantinides
Stage and costume design_ Anna Maria Münzner
Concept and direction_ Constantinides, Hyytiäinen, Kuhn and Münzner
Dramaturgy_ Christiane Plank
Marie-Sophie Pollak (CEO), Felix Schwandtke (CEO male voice), Eberhard Lorenz (Senior Chef), Caroline Ebner (Scientist), Martina Koppelstetter (Press officer), Kai Wangler (first assistant to the management – accordion), Samuel Stoll (second assistant to the management- solo-horn), Fabian Reinhard und Bence Sóvágó (assistants to the management – horn), Matyas Gergö (assistant to the press officer – tuba), Symphonisches Blasorchester des Musikvereins Eichenau, Philipp Lüdecke (Leitung)
Compositions commissioned by the City of Munich for the Munich Biennale
A production of the Munich Biennale in cooperation with the City of Munich’s artist residence, Villa Waldberta.
“[Die] avantgardistische Kaffefahrt ins Grüne [will] situative Grenzerfahrungen durch ein radikales Wohlfühlprogramm erzeugen. […] Zufällige Zaungäste, aber auch platzierte Botschaften vermischen Realität und Spiel. Das ist es, was die KÖNIGLICHEN MEMBRANWERKE so gut macht. […] Welcome in der schönen neuen Überwachungswelt fließender Daten – auch Komfortzonen können Grenzerfahrungen bieten!”
(“The avant-garde business trip to the green creates a situational border experience with a feel-good program. […] Random onlookers and carefully positioned messaged mixed the reality and game. This is what the KÖNIGLICHE MEMBRANWERKE does so well […] Welcome to the beautiful new surveillance system of flowing data – even the comfort zone can offer border experiences.”)
Anna Schürmer // Neue Musikzeitung
“[Der] so interessierte wie verunsicherte Besucher konnte […] eine fiktive, fantastische Firmenpräsentation erleben […]”
(“That made the audience both interested and uncertain […] to experience the fictive, fantastic company presentation.”)
Reinhard Brembeck // Süddeutsche Zeitung
“Das Publikum […] erlebt eine kunstvolle Musikdarbietung, die dann in einer irritierenden Ereignisfolge an unterschiedlichen Orten auf absichtlich skurrile Weise dekonstruiert wird – in einer seltsamen Verschränkung von Butterfahrt […], Busreise und pseudokatholischer Prozession. Zwischen Simulation, Persiflage und echter Emotion ist oft nicht zu trennen. […] Das gleichzeitig magisch Anziehende und Abstoßende dieser von Stolz geprägten bayerischen Region [wird] trefflich reflektiert.”
(“The audience […] experiences an masterfull musical performance, which is then deconstructed in an irritating sequence of events at different locations in a deliberately bizarre manner – in a strange entanglement of the butter trip, bus trip and pseudo-Catholic procession. Often there is no distinction between simulation, satire and real emotion. […] The magical attraction and repulsion of this proud Bavarian region [is] well reflected.”)
Jörn Peter Hiekel // Die deutsche Bühne
“Das dreistündige, präzise durchgetaktete Klanggebilde ist ein verwirrendes, sich ständig bewegendes Dekonstruieren von Sprache, Stimme und Ton. […] Die bizarre Faszination des Spektakels wird einem so schnell nicht aus dem Kopf gehen. […]”
(“This three-hour, precisely timed sound structure is a confusing, constantly moving deconstruction of language, voice and sound. […] The bizarre fascination that the spectacle has created will not get out of your head so quickly. […]”)
Vroni Silberg // M. 94,5co
Songs that could have been in different versions, as Miika remembers them
Emote is a emotions for voice, percussion and video.
Experimenting with the graphic notation
"Mytomato is a brilliant piece, dancing away on the borders of parody and multi-layered commentary – musical and extra-musical – all woven together with witty irony and creative craziness."
"Die grafische Notationstechnik Soune, an der der Komponist seit Jahren arbeitet, transzendiert durch ihre visuelle Komponenete die Grenzen traditioneller Notation und bietet Raum für humorvolle, tiefgründige und gleichzeitig körperliche Erlebnisse auf der Bühne. "
"Intellectually stimulating and teasingly funny art of our time."
"A peculiar, yet ever-so-wonderful mixture of absurd comedy and versatile virtuosity, gorgeously performed by Heikkilä and Kozlovski"
"This three-hour, precisely timed sound structure is a confusing, constantly moving deconstruction of language, voice and sound. […] The bizarre fascination that the spectacle has created will not get out of your head so quickly."
"Voice Box was full of tongue in cheek [...] that allowed the audience to fully join in."
"The avant-garde business trip to the green creates a situational border experience with a feel-good program."
"The audience […] experiences an masterfull musical performance, which is then deconstructed in an irritating sequence of events at different locations in a deliberately bizarre manner."
"Delightful and playful experimental opera from young Finnish composer"
"Genuinely avantgardistic German music theatre."