Academic work and teaching
On Not Knowing:
Glasgow School of Arts &
University of Arts Helsinki
Art & Tech: Aalto University
Photo Kalle Katalia
The Voice Map method
Opera lecture Voice Box
Lecture in Venice Biennale with Eleonora Claps
Lecture in Venice Biennale
Soap Operas - A series of workshops at the UdK 2017 - 2019
New Vocal workshops with Lisa Fornhammar at the Sibelius Academy
Because of his multidisciplinary experience in music, music theatre, voice, sciences and mathematics, Hyytiäinen is a sought-after teacher. He has been teaching composers, singers and musicians of other fields at the Sibelius Academy, Universität der Künste – Berlin, in secondary schools and privately. He is known for being an inspiring, creative and approachable teacher with wide technical and artistic understanding.
Some recent publications, talks and projects
- Emote score was used as the cover of Field Notes Magazine (f#38: September/Oktober 2024)
- Pre-examiner of a doctoral thesis (written component of a doctoral project of N.N.) Universityt of Arts, Helsinki, DocMus
- AI in ART & AI event organised by Helsinki Festival
- Graphème – Volume 3: Using Soune notation in Kettling (4.12.2023)
- Jury member, Ung Nurdisk Musik Festival, 2024, Finland
- Jury member, Ung Nurdisk Musik Festival, 2024, Estonia
- On Not Knowing conference in Glasgow, paper with Lisa Fornhammar (10.6.2023)
- For Voice platform for new vocal music with Lisa Fornhammar
- Art & Tech Open Call ’23 Aalto University, Project winner (2.5.2023)
- TEOSTORY: Säveltäjä ja tohtorintutkinto – kuuluvatko ne yhteen? (17.04.2023)
- TRIO JOURNAL: Communication between singers and composers: Theory, reality and hope for the future (29.12.2022)
- Mentoring Amanda Martikainen on her opera A Voice Of One´s Own. (2022)
- Public examination of the doctoral degree of Miika Hyytiäinen (10.9.2022)
- The Voice Map Method - Doctoral project at DocMus Doctoral School, Sibelius Academy (2022)
- Miika Hyytiäinen and Lisa Fornhammar talk in SibA Research days (13.3.2019)
- Miika Hyytiäinen and Lisa Fornhammar give composition and vocal students workshops on new wocal music 2018 to 2019.
- Mathias Hinke, Miika Hyytiäinen and Caroline Scholz Ott mentor the third season of "Soap-Opera als Musiktheater" , at the UdK-Berlin, 2019.
- Miika Hyytiäinen gives lectures on new vocal music and working in German opera houses, SibA 2018 to 2021.
- Julia Mihály and Miika Hyytiäinen used the Voice Map analysis in Darmstadt Summer Academy in 2018
- Mathias Hinke, Miika Hyytiäinen and Caroline Scholz Ott mentor the second season of "Soap-Opera als Musiktheater" , at the UdK-Berlin, 2018.