Symbol – Body


Since 2013, Miika Hyytiäinen has been working with graphic scores. With the generous support of Aalto University, the City of Helsinki and Genelec, he can now create this laboratory project that studies the possibilities of graphic notation as a language that could communicate between the art forms, finally even being a language that will allow Artificial Intelligence to understand music theatre holistically.

&                        The dualism we create between notation & performance, idea& reality, sign & body

HONESTY         Looking through the talk and the concept. What does it all mean and why? Distancing effect

MERCY(LESS) Can we afford mercy? Is art worth anything if it isn’t brutal, virtuosic, too much, merciless?

=                          We stop believing in dualism and individuals. Questions, answers, and searchers of wisdom are the same

The piece will be premiered in 2024 with Annika Fuhrmann and Lisa FornhammarAlso, the programmer Juho Häme is involved.
Stay tuned for more information! (A working title of the piece was Sign&Body).

Symbol – Body has won the grant at the Art and Tech days.

Prezi presentation about Symbol – Body.


Symbol – Body will be premiered at the TENOR conference in Zürich in April 2024. TENOR is an International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation. As well as performing the piece, we will be giving a workshop about the Soune notation developed by Miika Hyytiäinen.

Annika reacting with the graphic score

From the video

Presentation at the Art and Tech demo day, Aalto University and some old graphic scores

Other projects:


Emote is a emotions for voice, percussion and video.