
An orchestral piece about freedom

Aleatoric piano piece about the fragments of Thursdays
Voice is Voices

a sound and video installation for four coloratura sopranos about voices and identities
Carnets Parisiens

a grand opéra de chambre about Paris for three performers
Laboratory of Online Music Theatre

an artistic team for experimenting the limits and possibilities on Online, Music and Theatre
Impossibilities of DDMMYYYY

The violin player’s virtuosic fails with a video score
Scene – Song cycle

an open music theatre song cycle for different solo voice and instruments
Seeing Voices in Darmstädter Ferienkurse

the lecture-performance makes artistic academic and the bodily to analytical
Voice Box

an academic opera role-play about voices in boxes and outside of them
Phenomenological Notation

Previous Next Phenomenological Notation is an installation-composition for two performers. It is not a static or ready composition, but more a loop of different actions of music: 1) The Performer reads the graphic score and decodes it 2) The Performer performs the music with his or her body 3) The program creates new notation out […]