Singing Trees
Singing Trees is a vocal piece about communication of the trees for Voxnova Italia
Emote is a emotions for voice, percussion and video.
Žižek Says!
Ventriloquistic questions about voices in uncanny valley
Sag mir, was ich gestehen soll
Mystery play about structural misogyny and witch hunt
Symbol – Body
Experimenting with the graphic notation
Funny, multidisciplinary piece about the tomatoes as emancipation for voice, piano and video. 31.5.2023
Aleatoric piano piece about the fragments of Thursdays
Voice is Voices
a sound and video installation for four coloratura sopranos about voices and identities
Carnets Parisiens
a grand opéra de chambre about Paris for three performers
Laboratory of Online Music Theatre
an artistic team for experimenting the limits and possibilities on Online, Music and Theatre